Sunflower 03/08/2022 (Tue) 15:59:55 Id: 7a68c8 No.1023 del
They recenly sent me "catpeople" with horns like the...
Weird, now that I searched for it
there aren't any? I'm sure there was a wild large cat that has horns. I've seen pictures of one (was this an artistic representation of a fossil or was its timeline deleted?)

I saw a drawing from patreon of a humanoid cat with horns, it felt like there was someone behind it, and it was them. While that sounds farfetched, that's the route they contacted me by, having me click on a thread that contained it.
They had a room in a galfed facility ready for us to use, they even got a coffee machine a bar. At first they wore clothes like in the drawing, but they soon appeared in green soviet style uniforms with red stars.