Sunflower 03/09/2022 (Wed) 23:31:40 Id: 20c98f No.1041 del
Okay this argument about semantics is not sure that will lead anywhere but here I go.

You obviously mean slaves that were "captured" usually in wars or coerced. Debt slaves and "wageslaves" might not even count as a slave in this context.
But here comes the thing. Reptilians referred me as a "slave" at first when I met them.
It was funny because when I noticed some new connection a human appeared but when he blinked his "cloaking" "glitched" and I asked him.
>Are you a reptilian?
He said
>Oh shit you weren't supposed to notice us yet. Please join our "network" so I don't get into trouble
I was like sure whatever. This is the dumbest way I could have made a first contact anyway.
Then a bunch of others appeared and talking while "putting" something into my body as they were chatting they referred me as a "slave". I had a moment of self awareness so I didn't instantly destroy them for that. I asked.
>Why I am a slave
They looked at me dumbfounded like I asked something most obvious thing ever, Then I asked further.
>Do you want to be my masters now
>No we are also slaves
I realized this is some cultural and hierarchical thing like how every not greek was a slave in the ancient greece. While the greeks were slaves to the romans. Also the installation hurt like a bitch because my body was still impure and unstable so I asked them to do this later because my body currently can't handle it yet. Then they left.
Now that I'm "pure" I had other contacts with "higher" ones but I have no idea what to do with them.

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