Sunflower 03/12/2022 (Sat) 00:29:57 Id: 7a68c8 No.1066 del
(440.48 KB 1080x1920 1888_TradingCard.jpg)
(431.07 KB 1080x1920 1890_TradingCard.jpg)
I wonder if anyone else will notice or feel anything, as there's been even more cleansing of the shared earth remains. The lyrans finished the "reservation", a technological construct for allowing human timelines to run inside their system while still having human biology. There was even more clearing of the collective egregore, the external system which inserts thinking into a humans from outside. Not the collective subconscious which inserts it directly, but what comes from the environment. They deleted the concept of the central government and its law enforcement, I no longer feel it at all. My first thought was that I know this, this feels almost exactly like the 1890s. Not that I know exactly what it was like, but I know this feeling of freedom. It's now hard to imagine something coming in to block in the area where that thing was. Yet it existed there. It seems like this is how it is for people and how it was in the past. No one can imagine the effects of oppression before it appears. Then when it's there, most can not imagine not having it or what that freedom really means.