Sunflower 03/14/2022 (Mon) 20:28:42 Id: 7a68c8 No.1077 del
Allah came up with a new type of djinniyeh. They're a bit like cherubs but female, wearing a blue band top, loincloth, socks and carrying a large knife. Their hair is tied into a ponytail. They always fly which is why they wear socks and no shoes. Where zealots are extremists with a perspective of normality to start with, these are so extreme they have no concept of normality within themselves. They're birthed to be a vanguard force for constantly attacking and harassing enemies of Allah. The male version look like regular djinni wearing white with golden details, a turban, carrying a sabre and resting on a cloud. The only difference is in the gold edges of their clothes and their fanatical gaze.
If you want to bind them you need a special ring artifact for the females, the males may not be bound at all.

In short, they're a manifestation of pure toxicity meant to inflict serious harm to anyone attempting to resist the djinn cause.