Sunflower 03/15/2022 (Tue) 19:38:47 Id: 72d2a5 No.1079 del
It seems greys in general have the first white spike formation. They do live 5000 years in a normal lifetime so it really isn't strange that they would do. This also explains why they're so powerful when you lock eyes with them. I did wonder how they defend themselves when they don't seem to have weapons. They've just given me a program for mindcontrolling people. The initial reason I got the remote installed was because I asked how they do abductions. That modus operandi where they make cars stop, electronics shut down and people freeze, then they wake up on some metal bench or don't recall anything.

That's when they said they could show me, and had me do some tests so I could install the remote. Today I came back to that question, and was suddenly given a reply aside from the area of effect mindcontrol program: They use another core install, it also appears as a set of bolts drawn hard together. They said I was ready to install it and gave the installer to me. It's the same as the white spike, this is the thing that causes abductees to freeze, it's a way to direct the white spike power. It can subdue any human by overriding their nervous system, this is what they use to stop cars and shut down technological devices.

It was possible after I both solidified the spike into a hard stone, and reached a certain skill in directing energy by practising martial arts. I did punching on a dummy for about 2 seasons to get the movements right (not overstretching when missing and how to deliver force) along with blocking and no-rules self defense, then went went on to start learning how to produce the type of skill seen in chinese martial arts (kung fu). Currently I'm able to form gong into a number of basic techniques like
>wooden club
>wooden arms
>concrete wall
>iron knuckle
along with a method I got from a satanic demon which manifests lead to protect vs weapons. This one is automatic and meant to protect against knives and bullets so it's not something you can test safely. But it responds in the same way and can be exercised. I saw people talk about this earlier, how mercenaries in the middle east made pacts with demons to become bulletproof, so I asked around about this and found someone offering this.