Sunflower 03/16/2022 (Wed) 21:20:43 Id: 20c98f No.1080 del
(23.97 KB 512x884 NEET on throne.png)
Yeah she wasn't Mary. She was more like the "Empress" archetype. And because I thought of Mary that way when I asked: "Are you Mary?". She said yes and didn't lie with this. I started to get suspicious that I am gravely misunderstanding something when I asked for help and one of her girls appeared behind me and tried to put a "suit" made of stars on my back. That way she can channel her energies around me. Also one of her girls is with me from now on. She is something not of this planet but she is not giving me a name because it has no proper concept yet? How do I even find these entities I don't know.

After realizing this I thought if she is not Mary then I should look her up. Well Jesus has her mom in heaven with him so it's not that one... So I "went" to my church for a "Mary". Yeah she immediately told me to "bow mortal". As a reply I reconnected to the throne and I didn't mention this before but what the throne gives. It gives you the "law" that is absolute authority. Over everything. When they say summon God or Michael or whoever so entities don't attack you when you summon them... Connecting to the energies on the throne gives you the absolute authority mindset. "Mary" instantly started to bow because of it. I should stop doing this because it slows down the sync up process. Also less amount of entities visit you when you are a tyrant.

Today I was still wondering about Mary because she acted kinda silly with the way how she insisted I should bow. Almost like how Aqua acts around Kazuma. Completely different but I cannot give a better example. (Also Aqua was the retarded bitch she is because Kazuma was a dumb sinful NEET and entities like to bully you when you are a sinner when you get pure they are the nicest things ever. There are still exceptions tho but in general it's true)

So I realized the "bowing" is a mechanic and I was too curious what would happen so I did that. She bestowed me with a "law". That "law" was a halo above my head. Gives you the feel of calmness and security. Real nice feeling if you need a "holy mommy protects you feel" but... It's above your head and makes connecting to higher planes hard... I had to get rid of it. I'm not sure I will work with her. At least my new "cosmic mommy" gave me something that doesn't restrict me upwards. I even complained how that "suit" is "small" and I am unable to "button" it. It's that way so it doesn't restrict the energies of my heart. Really considerate. She represents the stars somehow? The stars that humanity didn't take yet but rules over mankind? I mean when I gave my hand to her so we can cooperate instead of shaking it she kissed it. That kiss feel was so permanent I turned into a ring.

Feels like a sidetrack again but whatever. I will see what happens