Sunflower 03/20/2022 (Sun) 07:36:33 Id: 91bc2e No.1109 del
>Also if something good or bad happens sometimes report it because I may or may not did something that may speed up the realization of your inner strength. In the end you have to realize it. So don't expect to happen on it's own. Or maybe it will. Who knows.
Oh that was you then, I was thinking it was Lucifuge's doing. I've been getting a ton of illusions when trying to sleep sometimes, like a lot of dark stuff surrounding me and comming at me, the thoughtform seems to be more silent than usual which is nice, and I'm having more nightmares, but they aren't that scary so its ok. I think I saw the Matriarch once, which was nice, its been two years since I had any clear contact with the vamps, then I got the visual of a big golden Buddha statue surrounded by dark things on the floor, I see it as the way I should become, just ignoring those things and remaining at peace.

>How did you find this entity of yours again?
I had too much gong, little control and my room was full of energy that I didn't banish, so after reading or watching some video about Lucifuge, I probably attracted him, then one day when I was charging a servitor his name popped up strongly in my focus and I began to see shadows in the corner of my eyes. I got just a glimpse of him that night while trying to sleep. Then the other day I was curious about working with demons and why a lot of people seemed to do it and I wanted to see what it was all about, so I did the same as the first time, but with the intention of calling him, that night in my dreams he offered me a contract but I refused. During the day I asked him to leave in peace, then I tried banishing the energy and thought he was gone, but sometime later he showed up again and wanted to be a patron demon or a teacher, but I didn't want to work with demons anymore so I refused. And that's when stuff started to happen, apparently refusing a patron demon is not really an option.

>And my current "yoga" is literally watching anime and when I am feeling some new blockage I am taking it out (they are all metallic currently).
Wish I could take out my issues like you do, but I guess that I'll have to take a different approach since I don't know how you feel stuff and remove it tbh.