Sunflower 03/21/2022 (Mon) 22:41:48 Id: 20c98f No.1116 del
(158.71 KB 850x723 embarrassed Flan.jpg)
Now I understand why having sex with entities was the key for most of my realizations... And why I was getting random blowjobs when raising my red spike... and why my fox wife was being mad about my sacral chakra...
I was not thinking with my dick so much my next density body was unable to fully enter this 3d body...
Now I did a bunch of other things some of them was a terrible idea. But now I don't have to have "sex" so the energies enter the lower parts of my body.
I figured out a bunch of new things but I will not write them down because I almost ruined myself with misconceptions today.
So many details to figure out.