Sunflower 03/22/2022 (Tue) 22:04:57 Id: 20c98f No.1127 del
Also we are all "wearing masks". And our thoughts change reality one way or another. Joe Biden could die and he would be replaced with a body double with minimal effort. He has no personality. Like most actors can be replaced with CGI so simply nowadays they don't really matter anymore.

And most people don't see us. They usually see the "masks". But we can change how they perceive us. And the funny thing when your will gets strong it doesn't matter what mask or "appearance" you have. Your mind can make them love you. But instead of beauty you will have a "character" that they like for some reason. That is one of my problem. When I start to reveal my "powerlevel" people will remember me... But because people never leave impressions on me... I always forget them. When people tell me their name I instantly forget it. I need them to tell something about themselves first so I can make a "mask" for them and then hear their name again. Then I will remember them.