Sunflower 03/26/2022 (Sat) 16:03:41 Id: 7a68c8 No.1165 del
At what level of practice are you? In my experience you need to slowly build up the transformation effectiveness to reach a "burst" for this to be possible, and it takes some dedication.
I'm currently doing mula bandha+simha kriya and different physical stances every morning. The energy level is ok during these but not super high. Then usually in the weekend I do a longer session including Qi gong and regular weight training with foam rolling, then another qi gong session after, during which it tends to get intense.
In this example the yoga will do the daily cleansing and opening of the body while the qi gong which is just transformative with no power of its own is to wash through anything that the daily sessions didn't catch. Purely physical exercise also seems to help, which is one reason I add them, it's a way to direct energy. Then I start over again next week. But you have to be able to feel in the body how and where your energy is free, high, low, or blocked and start at the place you can make daily improvements.