Sunflower 04/01/2022 (Fri) 19:26:40 Id: 559ec4 No.1224 del
I am trying to wrap my head around Awareness again. I finally made a stable godform to help with my operations and eventually maybe to move into. But today I realized that the godform has the exact same level of truth as my mortal soul. It just has a different level of meaning behind the truth. So the godform isn't really God, it's just the personage of a certain color of meaning. I think that God is awareness, but awareness itself can never act in a passive manner and therefore can never take on any traits so it's ineffable and there's no 'handles' or 'names' to work with in regard to it. Even calling it God is inaccurate. It manifests solely through sympathy with meaning. Maybe Awareness is where truth comes from in the first place? Truth sympathizes with meaning which creates reality.

One handle I can grab onto is the analogy of someone reading a book. The reader is awareness and the words are meaning, by combining the two a reality is created. If no one reads the words they are inert and cannot manifest.

So, there is an idea that maybe the observer can 'wake up' and stop associating with this reality in order to attain a more 'true' mode of existence. But I don't think that's possible. Any quality at all that awareness attempts to sympathize with is equally illusory. The idea of omnipotence carries the same intrinsic level of truth as the idea of impotence. And if awareness chooses to completely discard all modes of definition then that's just death. It loses individuality and the status of entity.