Sunflower 04/03/2022 (Sun) 14:58:47 Id: 7a68c8 No.1242 del
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To raise a completely different topic: Recently Ukrainian refugees started coming into my country, and there aren't even that many of them. But their egregore is already spreading here and it's absolutely horrible. It stinks, badly.

The only thing I've experienced which somehow compares was when the Falun Gong egregore was tainted and started leaking dirty energy all over. But the difference is that the Ukraine egregore isn't isolated like the FG one, it's just spreading all over, there aren't even any refugees for miles from my location and the energy already stinks. After some focused cleansing it got a bit better, but it's still there, like a sewer having opened and the contents are washing in.

If this is how bad it is over there, it makes sense they have the most toxic location on the planet (Chernobyl), which also spread its poison over a large area. Russia may not be particularly pure, but compared to this stink, I'm starting to see why they are demolishing Ukrainian cities. The energy coming out from there must be stopped, it's just absolutely disgusting. I can't imagine living over there, people can't be normal in any way if they can stay in this and not feel sick.

Some anons on /x/ posted about some kind of "evil" originating in Ukraine. This must be a result of that, what the hell did they do over there?