Sunflower 04/04/2022 (Mon) 20:18:03 Id: 20c98f No.1245 del
Well this experience was something. I solved more issues than the disease by being a spiritual psycho therapist but what I did was only doable because I know how dumb are the things my family did in the past 80 years so I untangled that stupidity so they don't cause further issues. Interesting but TLDR

But the disease.
Because I tok up that "karma" upon myself my fewer went up like crazy and my body had NO IDEA WHAT IS CAUSING IT. Then I started to "destroy" and take them apart as my new multiple density awareness grew and my body started to finally calm down. Feeling how the "dormant" things in my body try to "wake up" so they can cause me problems on the 3d was interesting. But thx to this blunder I had no other choice but to solve other "issues" too so overall it was not the worst idea.
Especially that "integrating the past lives and the current one" project that needed a little speed up to solve the final imbalances.

Yeah not to mention of their "mafia" that is hated by literally everyone because they can't do shit about them. They roam the EU and can flee the EU whenever to Ukraine. They stir shit up in Russia then flee Russia.
And Ukraine has some weird cult too. My brother visited that place years ago and there was a great catacomb (which was open for visitors) where there was pitch darkness and the only light source you were allowed to use was 1 candle/person. Now this was not the spookiest part. The spookiest part was that there were people in "ritual" clothes opening up a crypt and kissing the foot of a corpse. Ukraine was never really liked for multiple reasons. It's just the current hate for Russia made some countries "forget" that they hate Ukraine too. Well they are slowly being reminded so no worries.