Sunflower 04/05/2022 (Tue) 00:11:47 Id: 91bc2e No.1253 del
>No that was your weakest point and it was the most "attackable" but yes.
I don't understand how the bullying by the thoughtform relates to this in any way wtf. Wanting me to an hero has nothing to do wanting me to move more/be more active.

>And I don't know if you have some allergies or not but you need to understand/master nature to a degree too.
No allergies that I know of, I just don't like doing things outside.

>I saw some weird doll like insect being today
Interesting, there is or used to be some insect girl around me for some reason, never found out what she wants, I still see insects from time to time but I just brush them off as illusions, dunno if they are real.