Sunflower 04/05/2022 (Tue) 01:18:13 No.1260 del
>I still see insects from time to time but I just brush them off as illusions, dunno if they are real.

I wonder how common they are, this one surprised me because she appeared on her own did her thing and left.
I think she tried to say something but it got overwritten by my thoughts, i only experienced telepathy once (that i recall) and this probably wasn't it.

How do you recommend i cleanse myself?
I like the "vampire's way" because it works on my own bad energies too (stress, freaking out etc) i couldn't calm myself quickly enough with meditation my body was too tense.
Isn't a strong intent and taking the energy back purification or is it more complex?

>Maybe that's the way to do this, just accept it and it will pass?
Interesting, i had a similar intuition
something like being able to swim in a sea of corpse and maggots but not being affected by it, thus not giving it energy no judgment seeing it as part of creation something like that ,but i am not sure if i am capable of that maybe i am too protective of my body when i see those things.
I wonder if it's just me repressing some "evil" part of myself.

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