Sunflower 04/13/2022 (Wed) 03:03:15 No.1297 del
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>it became a natural way of acting and was no longer noticeable as different from my current personality.
Oh, so in a way it's adding some kind of "mode" or function to the main personality.
different from what i was thinking but interesting nonetheless.
thank you for explaining it.

>You're no lying about who you are if you are acting out a role you created intentionally. You're merely in-role.'re right, maybe i should start to figure who i really am first, otherwise i am just making a mess.

>I made a colosseum mental palace just to gather all my possible personalities to remake a new.
Oh i had something like 3 dragon girls sitting in three thrones, they were different "me" i was trying to make.

>The reason was that none of them was the "real me". They were part of me but not the complete me.
I think i understand, thank you for sharing your experience.
I tend to remember some seemingly random posts from 8ch or random forums, books too
like puzzle pieces coming the moment i need them, so this helps make my decision on what to do next.

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