Sunflower 04/19/2022 (Tue) 10:01:45 Id: 7a68c8 No.1380 del
(1.43 MB 498x280 senko.gif)
>Since you didn't mention it, I'll assume that there was nothing interesting in the link here
I played it on phone but saw no content, just a still image and no sound, but felt a slight energy come from it. I meant to look at it later but never got to it. I don't want to expose myself to unknown "energy" meant to change something in me when I don't know what it is, so I didn't pry further at the time.
I looked again now on computer so I could open it in a new window but the description really doesn't say what it is, and links to a site which charges a rather high sum to play more of these? I'm analysing the energy from it now using the remote. It has some effect but I want to know who the source is and what it is.

>But then in another dream, I was pulled somewhere else and I was having sex with a girl and she showed up and said "you say that you wanna marry me, but here you are fucking someone else?
Sounds like they are pointing out inconsistencies in your thinking. I was never able to grasp the meaning of monogamy, it always felt wrong to me. I was indoctrinated by watching 80s-90s romantic movies always ending in marriage when I grew up, but I didn't really know of any explicitly married couple irl, so the concept didn't stick. The best men should have many children, it's best from a racial superiority perspective. I don't know how people can believe in natural selection and darwinism and still not see this. I think my past life personas are also whispering into my mind that monogamic marriage is just a way for women to enslave men, I never liked it. It's essentially a form of social castration.

I saw this quote once in a book my grandma had
Before marriage a lion, after marriage a donkey
referring to men.
That's exactly what married men are like. They turn into serfs. The only things they are allowed to do are weightlifting, endurance sports or playing Nintendo, things that maintain a moronic and narrow mindset with no free will.

I don't think your astral waifu wants you to become that, so they're testing you to see how you react to criticism. Even less can you be monogamous with a spirit who isn't in the physical, they can't demand this of you because then you'd practically be a monk. And those are not meant to have relations with anyone, even spirits.