Sunflower 04/19/2022 (Tue) 21:11:24 Id: 20c98f No.1388 del
Okay reading the great consummation way now because I need to figure out what I am missing.
>buddha infant
happened by removing all my childhood traumas and finding out my core child and letting it grow up
>they will be able to reach the state of Three
Flowers Gathered Atop the Head within a few years.
Oh that was the thing the demon girls did.
Good to know the fringe style bullshit occultism and a big ERP is all you need
>This is the highest level one can
achieve during In-Triple-World-Law cultivation.
Yeah sure thing
>Buddha Showing a Thousand Hands
I can't believe I did that without moving a muscle. So this is what happens when a bunch of Buddhas are watching over you. You just do the things

Okay I will read this book. Falling upwards on stairs without having any idea what is going on is weird and I need some idea of my "foundation".