Sunflower 04/19/2022 (Tue) 22:17:10 Id: 20c98f No.1393 del
Yeah I know but this futi shit would have killed me. I had to fix it. Imagine all your energies turning against you and cannibalizing your body. All I need now is to be in agreement with multi density me. Shiva wears the crown while all the snakes too.
He is the king but all the snakes are kings. They are the same king. Being a king means the master of the ego.

I told you. I am great at reaching great heights then falling down. Then reaching it again.

>You sure that isn't just a huge sperm ;P
slut Sanae!
and the energies of the universe is a big sperm. So yes
>You can temporarily paralyze them using the rainbow colored bell
It's funny
The dwarves made me a rainbow gun. It can clear anything because it is an attack from "all the density energies"

>ground yourself properly
just did
I AM WHO I AM. And not a person who births a bunch of snakes constantly.
>ended with the person admitted to Ukrainian mental ward

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