Sunflower 04/22/2022 (Fri) 03:12:07 Id: 4db13b No.1413 del
>Also learn to charm every woman that shows interest in you through love. Your post was the last missing piece of my progression.
Huh, I never expect my posts to be that useful to you.
>Love connects heaven and the earth. If you can figure out love you can figure out the rest. The nectar of the gods is white green for a reason. Green is the heavenly love pink is the "earthly ascended" love. And bitches love divine love. You have that. Don't waste it by fucking everything that moves.
I don't fuck anything in the physical tbh, and in the astral/dreams since I'm cockblocked by a certain being... it usually wakes me up when things get lewd.

>Also that is the thing that causes sweaty hands. Divine love makes a great energy flow. My hands were sweating like crazy today.
Weird, so its not just karma doing the sweating then?
>also magic circuits a thing. Nasu got that right. Now how to install that.Hint: I AM THE BONE OF MY SWORD.
Interesting, I never played a Fate series game but watched some of the anime series, guess I'll have to take a look at it.