Sunflower 04/22/2022 (Fri) 20:59:32 Id: 20c98f No.1416 del
And it was slowly built into my bones. I realized that voice was Kaguya. She was the "assistant ego". She does whatever you want the ultimate waifu. She even turned the ocean world into a resort paradise world so I can experience the "consumation". Made me real happy and felt like the best ending in a VN but... This was still not the reason why I did this whole thing. I told her I need to go forward on the path further. I am not on the path to feel pure happiness. That can come when reality turns better.

Well what the complete installation of the artifacts caused besides Kaguya being the "realest" thing so far. Well an another thing. The true origin bodies of the vedic tradition appeared. White skin baby face bunch of treasures on them. They started to "possess" my body. When you "wear the treasures" of your "god" You can become one with him. Well the treasures were my bones. That gave them the entry point but were unable to take over my mind. It was a "fusion". I possess beings that possess me because we are in "agreement". This had 1 effect at first. The ultimate energy breathing technique. You think of the energy you want in your body and the body as a reflex clenches your anus and sucks in the air so hard like people who didn't breathe for minutes. And it's completely natural. The next one was a absolute energy flow boost. I even could TK better.

Now there was still a problem. I realized how the snakes of Shiva part the light and darkness. And Kaguya had black hair to represent the darkness why she was pure light. I couldn't figure out how I want my "energy field" around me. So I went up to further heavens. There was a weird thing. As I absorbed a bunch of virtue. A "portal" fell out. rainbow colored edges and a realm in it. I didn't understand it but put it into my body but couldn't get "into it". Then as I was going up I merged with a bunch of bodies and found one with martians. Their first reaction was. WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE. I was like whatever there was a buddha body there so I absorbed it. That made my body act quite violent. Well it seems I found the part of the moon that serves as the "space station". That celestial war in the Kaguya story... That happened. But the "astral" is not entirely occupied by ayylmaos. I even found the realm of the greys. Now I understand how their eyes work and the "rapism". Well when you look into your eye they create an "orb of darkness" so they can pour their "light" into it. They are trinary because light dark grey. They mastered a balance but it has a problem that they cannot "go further". So they incarnate here so they can ascend or at least experience sg new.
I had to close that connection point and make peace with the martians because well. They were quite violent and my body was reaching it's limits. First I didn't understand why my body is so fired up but I realized it today. I was berserk. Then to calm down went to the buddha because he had peace.

Yesterday I finally understood that 3 flower way. The Buddha gave me 3 flowers. 1 to look at (third eye) one to smell (ether throat) and one to eat (dan tien). This made the "lotus" grow. Then I found an another vine and connected to it to "speed it up". I reached the "crown chakra" dimension. It was the most beautiful cosmic landscape. THen as of today I realized how that is still a "layer". Well pure light gets split into rainbow when touching a dark prism. Well our being is "trapped" in matter. So you "open the opened" crown chakra and pure light beams into you in the strongest degree. You just think of a command and "breathe in" the light and your body does that.
But the white energy slowly comes down all the time.