Sunflower 04/22/2022 (Fri) 21:55:02 Id: 20c98f No.1417 del
Now about Falun. Well it seems the Falun is a "portal" that is made from the "law" of some being. That portal is connected to the center of the universe. But every "tradition" connects to the "center of creation" differently. And to reach that point you need to "do the trials" in a way that the "laws" accept you. Now why Falun Dafa failed. Well to have the proper Falun of Li Hongzi you need to completely understand his perspective/teachings and do everything what he says. If you do something differently you may still connect to a falun but it won't be his. You might connect to the "corrupted" or "lesser" falun of someone else. The vedic tradition has a plentitude of portals they connect to creation. But it's not direct. The Buddha has an another one. And there is a weird thing. When you connect to 2 similar but corrupted Falun. Well they will cannibalize each other. If you don't make a "main" falun and overcome the "lesser" Falun you get attacked by forces that will fight over the superiority. Not to mention if you do other practices than the one Li Hongzi does his Falun will not accept the other and will ruin you again.

I didn't understand why I had a vision of a pure white Hitler as I was going through the vedic journey. Well I obviously gained energy through his "swatiska" too. But it's still inferior to the vedic tradition so I overtook it without realizing.

And there is a weird thing. Every tradition has a different "portal". You access creation through laws of other astral dimensions. The vedic tradition rules over many worlds and gets and gives energy to them. Those were the screens I saw in the supreme Trimürti. The buddha has the Falun but different buddhist teachings has some "lesser" ones that connect to it differently.
Now the problem is. The vedic portal is the most violent one because it doesn't accept ways that doesn't connect to the center of truth in the best way. Buddha learned his ways in India but China adopted it better because it was better than the origin chinese culture. But the Buddhist way is less violent. Now what is the reason behind a most of events. Well the "vedic portal" fucking hates every portal that has a "lesser truth". They accept the Buddha because he cool. Alexander the great got halted at India for a reason. The "hellenic" law couldn't top that. The eregore alexander the great took over the world couldn't do a thing against that while in Egypt the priests instantly recognized him as a Pharaoh.