Sunflower 11/21/2021 (Sun) 16:40:51 Id: f4936a No.201 del
By the way I still don't really agree with your view on what the universe is, or maybe I don't understand it yet but I've just recently read that when a human (non-immortal) dies their mind and energy/soul travels all the way to the center of the milky way where it suffers from the final death. The black hole in the center of the galaxy pulls at the individual and slowly dissolves it until the mind arrives directly at the black hole and is destroyed for good since the remaining energy of the individual being is ripped to shreds and stretched into oblivion. Only the subconcscious can pass through the black hole to the "source" since it's finer than the normal energy and the mind and therefore can pass through the black hole. The black hole in essence being our "source".
I initially tought why would it go to a black hole in the center of our galaxy instead into the center of the whole universe? It should be the universe at least, right? But then I realized there may be something to what you say and maybe I should examine my own beliefs and understanding more. There may be a connection. Maybe it will show itself later.