Sunflower 11/22/2022 (Tue) 23:30 Id: 4a5e06 No.2190 del
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>Oh and forgot to say that this society on the material focus literally cheats you out of enlightenment and the only real cheating is when you use your partial enlightenment to get ahead unfairly in this material world.
>But do as you feel the best. Following others leads you as far as you can follow them. But if they don't mind why not tag along.
Interesting, I learned something.
I worry about one day becoming able to feel way to much stuff, like energy pathways and having control over those and messing them up, or being overwhelmed by too much info, but I'm probably quite far from that level anyway.

>But the truth is the greatest elevation I get by figuring out the mechanics of the game better than the cheaters themselves and beating the living shit out of them without breaking a single rule. Nothing feels better than that. But those only happen when I am not that interested in the game itself or I get a lucky inspiration.
Heh, I thought I had stopped hating those people for a while, but I had take a look at the politics of my country recently and I'm definitely not over hatred. Also recently learned that I bottle up a lot of my angry feelings.

BTW do you remember if my "shadow boy" really came from Lucifuge? Or do you know what kind of being it really is? A friend is getting some mixed feelings and saying it may have been made by myself, there's also an octupus that I often see attached to my head and a wasp that my friend says it feels like the boy, but he seems very good at deception, I'm worried that it might be a triton thing.