Sunflower 12/31/2022 (Sat) 17:12 Id: 4a5e06 No.2408 del
>This module will create botsouls or botsouls with qi-body to replace important humans who are currently zombies or NPCs so that these positions can be controlled.
>Use this to "soul" important zombies in your local area so that your service providers aren't eliminated.
Is it possible for Astra to select some of those people to keep around if I ask her? I'm worried that I might not be able to select decent people or would lack the skill to give them a botsoul.
I assume necessary people would be those who know about chemistry, biology, medicine, famers, people that know a lot about plants, (for medicine, anesthetics, edible plants/roots), people with survival skills and people who know what to do with a lathe machine(like a modern day blacksmith), maybe some firefighters, those usually have good skills. But while a doctor would be very good to have around, the current medical knowledge is a corrupt thing and I don't know how much of it should be kept around. There's also the chance that I might accidentaly choose some sort of psychopath or person who trips on having power over others and in survival situations that's not fun.

Would the actions of the botsouls give us karma? I assume not, since you are careful with not getting more karma. But I would like to be sure.

Also, I've had some thoughts about the "merging of densities/timelines(?)" where buildings in different densities could show up in different places than they currently are in our density and would basically destroy buildings where they show up. So, is there a way to get aliens(or some other entities) to clean up the nuclear power plants if they get destroyed by that? I really don't want a world with dozens of Fukushima disasters leaking radiation in all the oceans, but I don't know how easy that is to clean for them. Also, hope you guys don't live downhill from dams, those would be a mess.