Sunflower 11/28/2021 (Sun) 19:24:05 Id: bc26b8 No.248 del
Maybe they've been cleansed for your protection, there is an enchantment out.
>What sort of price do you have to pay? Do you take on their karma?
Never take someone's karma. Big no. But that is what would happen if you want to save them for no reason. I usually create a token made from projected energy matching what they demand. I will get this energy back in the process when the soul I got out is evolving and improving. That is within means.
>Simha Kriya generate Gong?
Not at first, but it started doing that after one week of daily practice for me. With just 3 min in burmese lotus I get a daily increase. I can't think of a more effective exercise tbh, when going by time investment.
The "joining palms in front of chest and looking at the things you love" position is also surprisingly effective, but it takes longer and the energy is weaker. It's also very useful however, since you can't do Simha Kriya more than once daily from risk of overstraining your lungs.