Sunflower 01/15/2023 (Sun) 00:45 Id: ab4e2e No.2628 del
So many coincidences here...

I went for
which was said to be a servitor or partner of Lucifuge.
Lucifer is a different entity entirely btw, I know him already.

Focalor doesn't sound very attractive, but then he is
>murderous and has a hate for humanity
and specializes in seduction according to this page. Not very unlike my deeper nature. I happened to have sandalwood incense so I did this properly for once, and it was said to be a dangerous demon so I made sure to not half-ass it.

This ended up being perhaps the most powerful interaction I've had with any entity like this. The way this ritual fell in place and what was achieved through can only mean it was predetermined to happen like this.

I also asked about if/what Lucifuge wants with anon, and received the reply that it is not Lucifuge but to look up "Ordon Falcifer", but this really doesn't ring any bells for me.

Maybe it does to you.