Sunflower 01/16/2023 (Mon) 18:14 Id: 4a5e06 No.2675 del
>I'm not sure, it has some kind of program code from the jellyfish beings, Tritons. They're all about intelligence so it has to be related to increasing your IQ or using your brain.
Interesting, I might want to try that if its safe since I still got the dumbs.

Is it possible to create a servitor that can materialize stuff? I don't think the objects would have to be visible, just material. Would be fun to get some flash drives full of info and requested programs. Or maybe directly put the info into an existing flash drive.
A servitor that can straight up materialize an UFO so that we could get out when we are done here would be cool too, I don't wanna live in the "stone world".

Are UFOs allowed to show up in the open nowadays? Are there any laws against that? Or is it just that most Aliens don't have the tech to show up physically?

I have lots of ideas since last night, maybe some of them are interesting maybe a lot of them are dum.