Sunflower 01/16/2023 (Mon) 22:10 Id: ab4e2e No.2683 del
>that module based on chinese thinking
The chinese instrument. Yes. Guess what, after I made that one and forgot about it I saw a course in CNC programming
and talked about with the Infernal Queen who said it's a good skill to have so I applied. It only struck me now that this machine quite literally does the same as the "chinese instrument", I am naturally lead to learn how to think that way through no magic at all other than this falling down in front of my nose.

>what if I break some divine/astral law
I think the point is that it shouldn't happen. Maybe it's not so easy to incarnate inside the cybernetic body. At first I only became aware of the function where if you die, you'd be reborn by the servitor in a general galfed dimension and it would serve as your mother until you grow up enough to realize that it's actually your servitor.

>What would be their perfect citizen?
You know how in 1984 by George Orwell the main character tries some kind of rebellion against Big Brother, then gets arrested and brainwashed. This book is a sort of parody version of the galactic federation but it gets a lot of it right. After being brainwashed, he can now predict what Big Brother will do, even when watching TV he can predict what they will say next, because he has been perfectly attuned to the thinking of Big Brother.

It would work like this. A perfect galfed citizen never gets yelled at by a superior and never gets given any order, because he's already doing what the federation wants at any given time. He doesn't even think about it intellectually as "serving the federation", if you asked him he would say
>I don't think about it, I just do what I love, it comes naturally!
and anything he does will still pre-emptively express the collective will of the federation. He would not follow social trends, he would create them, and he would always gain support in doing so. [insert propagandist image of man in uniform holding red flag while looking out over landscape from hill and smiling sheepishly]

>I don't want to become a female

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Edited last time by bard on 01/16/2023 (Mon) 22:12.