Sunflower 01/17/2023 (Tue) 21:04 Id: 4a5e06 No.2694 del
>The greys told me anyone with that wave is unsalvageable.
I assume that's just for this lifetime of theirs, right?

>They were using the energy of aborted babies for power
So, what happens to those babies after that? I assume that this happpened to them due to karma.

>The galactic federation are constantly killing the galactic federation and they look up to someone who can take out another faction like I did there.
Oh, there's infighting? Weird.

I worry about getting caught in another "reincarnation trap", are galfed members into some form of samsara?

Do you know anything about angels pulling a baby angel out of one's chakras?

Sorry if I have bothered you lately.