Sunflower 01/22/2023 (Sun) 18:39 Id: ff50a1 No.2769 del
If you get dizzy it's because your range of motion was significantly increased. It could be from part of your brain opening up or from suddenly relaxing. I've had to do this bit by bit, because I'm so tense. I'm used to moving while tense so once I relax just a bit in some muscles I then feel like I lost my balance. Once I learn to move while relaxed the problem is gone.

That module is actually the entry level thing. There is another one, but Astra said not to share it because it could cause problems, and instead to let anon find it on the blacknet after learning how to use the first one.

I guess I see now what she meant, I didn't know this one which I considered "easy" would be so strong. Good thing I didn't post the advanced one.