Sunflower 01/23/2023 (Mon) 08:57 Id: ff50a1 No.2789 del
>take a look at what is going on if its not too much to ask?
Strong cleansing process, if it causes puking it's a combination of nasty energy having to come out physically along with not controlling your puking reflex. But that is too advanced to try and control at first, so just trust in that the body will react properly on its own. If you throw up it's either because something needs to leave the body, or because you activated the reflex.

There is indeed some bad energy coming up, really thick stuff so I can see why there would be a reaction like that. Try some herb brew to cleanse faster, maybe nettle or senna. I know someone here didn't like this suggestion but if you feel sick, ginger can help against that symptom. Maybe you can just chew a small bit raw for the taste and not make a brew.