Sunflower 01/23/2023 (Mon) 16:27 Id: 4a5e06 No.2792 del
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Most of those are a little too much for me right now, I did some sort of cat and cow pose yesterday and had to throw up.

>Strong cleansing process, if it causes puking it's a combination of nasty energy having to come out physically along with not controlling your puking reflex.
I managed not to puke on the first day but yesterday I had nothing left inside of me.

>There is indeed some bad energy coming up, really thick stuff so I can see why there would be a reaction like that. Try some herb brew to cleanse faster, maybe nettle or senna. I know someone here didn't like this suggestion but if you feel sick, ginger can help against that symptom. Maybe you can just chew a small bit raw for the taste and not make a brew.
Thanks I'll take a look at that.

I tried some meditation on the first day of this and saw myself from outside pulling out a black mass of energy with eyes on it from my mouth. Pics related.

So the issue is some cleansing and not the energy control module?