Sunflower 01/23/2023 (Mon) 16:44 Id: ff50a1 No.2794 del
>So the issue is some cleansing and not the energy control module?
I'll try to explain it. It may have triggered a cleansing, but it's not the reason for it.

Because the function is to make the user balance flow with control, and as I concluded women tend to lack control and men lack flow, the other aspect is probably lacking. Puking uncontrollably can be seen as lacking control, but: it's clearly a manifestation of increased energy flow. It's so violent that your body is just purging everything you have inside at once. That's how I interpret it. You must have some massive blockage, enough that the level of control you already have isn't enough to maintain control once the "flow" is activated, so it's going out of control like this also.

If you have all this negative stuff in your body, maybe they are physical parasites as well, then you have to just ride out the storm at first. Drink soup with salt and vegetables to get your stomach something easy to work with and to replace the fluid you're losing. Relax as much as possible and the body should build up natural automatic reflexes against this "behaviour". Those are supposed to be in your autonomous nervous system, that is your spine (yes, the kundalini again). If you never taught your body how to handle certain situations you lack a reflex pattern so it has to be created, and that isn't very fun because the body reacts to pain as stimuli. It's the same way children have illnesses that everyone has to go through, until their bodies learn how to handle it.