Sunflower 12/15/2021 (Wed) 12:44:11 Id: e03f19 No.310 del
>What is there special about this session?
It is performing this type of session with the Whitechapel coven, a group not normally opening themselves to the public. It will give you access to this specific type of magic/energy/direction originating in the culture of the UK.
It is a popularized version of ancient witchcraft still present today. The relevance for doing the new year's session within this framework is related to the direction of the coming year.

From a wider perspective, UK english (language) is useful all over the world because of its spread, and the culture is universal. The most universal I would even say, from a certain shallowness and objectivity which gives it the ability to penetrate into many local cultures and influence them. It's offering a good core/base.