Sunflower 04/24/2023 (Mon) 12:40 Id: a75a1a No.3172 del
I’ve seen this around for a while. One thing I don’t understand is why this is on Twitter if it is so damning.
I have been playing with the idea that the Chinese Communist Party might have planned the whole COVID and the vaccine fallout as a way to completely destroy Western public trust in its institutions (who deserved little trust to begin with). COVID would be a combination of natural metaphysical forces and a Chinese bioweapon with the collaboration of Western actors who stand to benefit, the vaccine a way to damage and weaken the population while racking in enormous profits, and the anti vaccine narratives controlled opposition with the main objective of plunging Western institutions into total disrepute and to demoralize the population.
The result is very dammingly empowering for the CCP.