Sunflower 07/02/2023 (Sun) 11:53 Id: 177ff4 No.3702 del
Since I got some positive feedback and did a test run on it myself I'm releasing the V2 version of my Astral amplifier for further beta testing. I am still learning to project myself so I've not succeeded in traveling the astral partly why I am making this construct to aid myself and others who are new to travelling the astral.

Notes between V1 and V2

The crystals on the helmet have been replaced with more modern technology to prevent illness and injury during use. After debating with my mentor on it we decided to mix old and new tech by keeping the channel/control network since that was effective while replacing the crystals with modern sun energy source to make it easier for users to wear without any side effects and improve conditions while wearing it. Now when activated the channel network will begin to produce a active sun above the users head which will be maintained upon first activation as a energy source for the helmet.

The arcane magic use in the channel network has been kept the same as my mentor and I agreed that being able to amplify the third eye and crown chakra through ancient magics her people know would allow less experienced mages to make up for their lack of knowledge and experience as well as their chakras not being as developed to be able to travel safely in the astral.