Sunflower 09/17/2023 (Sun) 12:12 Id: 46287b No.4312 del
The Queen said nothing in particular when I said saving of all beings is possible, they just have to go through hell first.

"Saving" conventionally means not having to go through the gehenna process. I find this view lacking in benevolence.

What does it lead to?

Currently, creator gods (and others) will be summoning evil beings from the void, intentionally getting those deemed "damned" from the start. Those are then used as a crude form of garbage collector, playing the role of the adversary (satan, in its original meaning). This does serve the purpose of purifying beings through suffering, and creating the necessary trials for those to be enlightened. But the damned, after having absorbed all the sin, are simply thrown away. They remain in perpetual gehenna after the enlightened being finished their path.

This is because of the innate evil of evil beings, of course. But it doesn't really fulfil the intent of saving all beings, now does it? If they are to remain in the worst possible state, eternally, or rather, without time progression, just staying there.

How is it worse to use this eternity for reconditioning them? It isn't. Do nothing and they stay in eternal gehenna. They aren't saved.

Act and they stay in eternal gehenna, which is then transformed into a higher state, ending this type of lower eternity. Isn't it then that the end result is better? If they left the eternity in gehenna, it wasn't actually eternal, and it was still worth something.

The "trick" of the matter is just to make use of eternal time dimensions.

I found that the damned could be effected if subjected to repeated violent trauma for very long periods. This means their damnation can be altered. It isn't final.

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