Sunflower 09/23/2023 (Sat) 19:52 Id: 6b03b1 No.4359 del
>I mean there are tourists and campers in the forest but
>they don't do much energetically.

When I posted this an interesting feeling overcame me. The forest spirit just commented on this...
They actually DO things energetically.
Campers usually go to the forest to relax. What is relaxation. The release of tension and negative energies. These people are literally letting out negative energies in the forest. It's the equivalent of going to the forest just to take a shit which will smell bad for a day or 2. Some spirits hate it while some spirits like to look at the visitors like we look at wild life.

Forest spirits are good with handling hostile energies in theory but the energies humans release nowadays are so pent up and artificial in nature it takes time for them to let it "return whence it came from" and dissolve.

Also I got a hug. One that makes your chest quiver if you have energy blocks in there. Didn't really bother the forest spirits for a while.