Sunflower 01/10/2022 (Mon) 21:47:41 Id: e03f19 No.438 del
>should they be removed?
I asked my galfed contacts about it. They said at first that it was pointless to remove them because
>1) as long as you on earth in this society the implants will just be recreated in a matter of seconds from removal
2) if you remove them you lose energetic stability because it's like having had a physical structural implant like a replacement hip: what will happen if you remove a prothesis implant?

But I asked them to show me and they did. They removed the one in the neck, and it did indeed come back in just 15 seconds. So whoever is selling that service is just ripping people off. It's useless.
But I did notice that the way the implant came back looked different from how it was installed before. They agreed, then pointed out that I had already removed the one at the alta major as a result of yogic practices and that one had not been recreated because I had stabilized myself.
I then asked them to remove all of them just to see, and it seems if you are able to push your gong into the empty spots and concretize something that will work. But for most people, let the implants stay, it would be harmful to have them removed at worst, useless in the best case.

If you want I can remove them, it was pretty simple, but I think unless you got rid of at least one yourself already that it will not do you any good. People tend to have this view that all implants are bad, but they don't understand that humans placed themselves in this vulnerable spot to begin with. Many ETs meddle in things, but much of what they do also stabilize things that would get even worse if they left it alone. The implants don't prevent ascension, the mentality that allowed them to be installed did.