Sunflower 01/13/2022 (Thu) 03:13:34 Id: 44defc No.465 del
I just sort of stumbled across this strange thought. I always assumed that my spirit has never been incarnated as a human before, since I have very little attachment to humans in general. But today I recalled that every one of my family members has mentioned that I have almost an uncanny similarity in both personality and idiosyncrasies to my grandfather. I feel a strange sort of empathy with him as well. But, I was born well before my grandfather died. However, I recall him always acting as though he wasn't always entirely there. Like he had dementia or something. And then I remember this extremely vivid dream I had last year, where I was investigating my grandfather's involvement with a cult of occultists (OTO? It felt like Aleister Crowley). Which strikes me now as very strange, since I knew him as just a lump that sat on a recliner all day watching TV.

So I'm wondering, is it possible that I was born an organic portal he somehow transferred his spirit into me shortly after I was born in an attempt to escape his aging body? I don't know, maybe this is just a meaningless flight of fancy. But it feels like I'm approaching something close to the truth.