Sunflower 11/02/2023 (Thu) 20:43 Id: 43e343 No.4857 del
(106.39 KB 329x426 Double eggs.jpg)
Might be a mental block from your part. Maybe you had some infection too related to eggs or a bad memory? Does it happen with every type of food with eggs or only 100% egg foods like raw egg boiled egg or omelet?

Also I am not sure how eggs are being sold in your country because I know in the USA they are bleached and don't know what else it needs to happen to be FDA approved and I am not sure about other countries especially if they are outside of Europe. Maybe it is beneficial to find out where the eggs come from. Try out different egg type foods and try to figure out why it happens. In my country we can buy several type off eggs. "Bio eggs" are obviously overpriced and not much better than the regular ones sometimes. This is the mundane part of the advice.

Beyond this you have several options. First you get in touch with the muscle that "clenches". Usually there is a "reflex memory storage connection" once you can map it out and you can either disable it or get in touch with the associated memory that created that reflex.

Also an entity just told me that there is a way for lower level entities to inhabit eggs if they are produced in an extremely "karma heavy" environment.
Like there is that folklore spell when they heal illnesses with an egg on your forehead because it traps the illness entity inside or something. Cleansing this might work. Also cleansing and "blessing" while sounds the same there is a little difference on some levels. When you "bless" the food it has a sort of "approved" energy signature and your body does not consider it as a hazard. The stomach is supposed to digest a high level of karma load and if it is unable to do that then there might be other problems. But then again my energy field usually either autocleanses things or makes me disgusted of them beforehand. Usually it is with low quality and extremely artificial foods.
Keep experimenting what works and why it works. I too managed to cause a dumb stomach autoclench for myself years ago and took me for a year to figure out where it comes from to be able to disable it.

>Ever since around 3 years ago
And yeah 2020 and the years onward made us go through a large amount of stress so figuring out when was the first time this happened might be beneficial