Sunflower 11/11/2023 (Sat) 21:36 Id: 43e343 No.4921 del
>counter-revolutionary forces

What counts as a counter revolutionary?

that 2 words put near each other triggers me to a high degree because it's usually about the "revolutionaries" just go out of fucking control people get REAL FUCKING TIRED OF THEM then extreme bloodshed happens until a Napoleon or Stalin takes command and executes everyone who defies them. Not to mention we were branded "counter revolutionaries" because commies sure liked to use that term against anyone who did not like their "revolution" which was about oppression and starvation. Truly better than their "feudal predecessors". They at least knew that no peasant no food no taxes
I'm sure you mean counter revolutionary are those who want the return of the old false/failed order but there are too many forces at play and using blanket terms like this can be confusing.

>to determine who is a revolutionary force and who is a terrorist
So a terrorist is the counter revolutionary now or that is a different thing?

Not to mention revolutionaries get branded as terrorists in the beginning all the time.

>Some readers were wondering how this ban will work in detail.

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