Sunflower 11/11/2023 (Sat) 21:54 Id: d238bc No.4923 del
(Hi, this is public information team)
Counter-rev is a capitalist. A capitalist is a proponent of "refining value streams" which start from a natural organic matter and result in a material which is pre-processed to a high degree for consumption by said counter-revs. The vocabulary has already been installed on this planet, but your emotional patterns are still linked to the process of installation and not the concept body itself.

The revolutionary force is one which causes quick changes. Some of you will call this (quite accurately in our view) Left Hand Path, using the most transformative method (also called black magic). The only value stream to refine should be the blood of capitalists (!) hehe, I am just joking (well somewhat!).

Natural resources to be refined are minerals. A value stream refining minerals will transform base rock to something better. This is a revolutionary process.

A capitalist process is one which takes for example fruit which is already perfect for eating, and creates a negative value stream downwards from this material in a way that does not gain the planet. One such way would be to produce a "smoothie" which is easier to consume, but harms the teeth and the functioning of the gut. This is a counter-rev business which "refines crap from good things".