Sunflower 11/12/2023 (Sun) 00:21 Id: 43e343 No.4930 del
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It's unbelievable how the elites are thinking they are now "above" the way they did the same mistakes before so if they do it again now it will just work out "somehow" because things are "different now" and that just "makes it work".

This is the problem with rats. They don't just steal resources but gnaw upon the very foundations of the place that creates/holds the resources and when it collapses upon their head they don't understand why it happens. They think the greatest danger is the cats or their fellow rats and not their very own actions.

>killing women and babies in Gaza right now
for them it is so normal they don't even feel that it is not okay at all.
They don't even understand why they are being called out. It's crazy... And necessary because the dissonance they created in the heads of everyone with all the propaganda with the war antiwar propagandas this needed to happen. We needed this +piece of hay to break the camel's back.
Reaching the point where supporting the "current thing" can only just backfire upon you.

>making deals with infernal demons

The only trick I figured out handling this is to look up the "terms" of the deal and see if it's somehow beneficial on the big picture or if it is not then... well let's say the big picture does not like when there is a "smudge" on it.

But yeah some of them can be tough cookies and I am not one to look for pointless fights because sometimes just sometimes they have a "purpose" and they have an "event" planned out for them so it is always important to look at the nature of their deals otherwise... well... you go "off-script" and the question is always just how much extra madness you can handle at once. Having 2 or 3 warfronts is okay and manageable but having 20 or 10 000?

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