Sunflower 11/12/2023 (Sun) 20:16 Id: 43e343 No.4944 del
>>a normal nation would have given up by now, Russia has had 250k losses but it has had no negative effect on public opinion

For some reason they thought Russian population will revolt within 3 days when no more McDonalds or iPhone access. It's like they never visited Russia outside of Moscow or St. Petersburg. And when they kicked out Russia from SHIFT they just told the whole word that they can pull the rug under you when you are not following USA interests? Absolutely amazing. Money has value because of trust and they just threw that out of the window. They united Asia more than ever before and now they are uniting the Arab world. It's like they forgot all the lessons of divide and conquer the British and the Soviets came up with it. But then again nor the British nor the Soviets had these levels of "free money" to have this throw money at it under it collapses mentality. Do they have the mentality of we are not spending on Afghanistan we have money for it rith? They are literally destroying decades worth of propaganda within years and now within weeks. Every kid in school had to learn about holocause (I typo'd the word but now I think this is super accurate) that by looking at black and white naked dead bodies in history class and now people are looking at them on social media in real time and they think people should vote for more wars and more government. We are a year away from elections in the USA and EU elections also soon. I have no fucking idea what will happen. They shat into their own propaganda machine on multiple levels. It was long ago when people were this apathetic on politics in the west. In the 2nd world it was normal. Everyone knew shit is fucked and figuring out not just which party is telling the truth but if they are even capable of fixing things was hard. The 90s and 2000s were a nightmare and those who got globohomo'd governments are still fucked.
Not to mention the election shills are still silent because the propaganda is not sure how to spin things anymore. Imagine being a propagandist atm. What would you even tell? Do you want to get fired by jews or get stabbed by muslims. The current leftist dilemma. Ridiculous.