Sunflower 11/13/2023 (Mon) 00:15 Id: 43e343 No.4968 del
>play on "underdog
That is what I thought first so I asked if you are somehow in an "Inferior position" but they specified it is about the "Under coverness".
>I was in a team named "underdogs" in a Myth II tournament like 10 years ago so the word stuck with me
I did not expect this coincidence
>the god who came up with the heart, or any organ
It's a complicated thing because there is the "idea main creation" ownership then the guy who actually "invented it" then the "variations". Like I had to install energy centers and I had to think that the lungs and the heart is the "same organ" more than a year ago. It can get really complicated.

>unless you can look back to the bodily standards in the age of djinn
I looked into that whole mess and I am almost even more confused. I don't even know where should I even start talking about it
>and "skinwalkers",
They... were... in the... same age???
>The main sage is "longcat".
I got an "Instructor type". This is how she described herself.
>very long and thin like a snake
Oh I too have an astral form like that happens when the realms are too far and too close at once and elasticity is better than flying because I need to be "seated" or grounded like a tree for energetic reasons.