Sunflower 11/16/2023 (Thu) 01:11 Id: d238bc No.4993 del
(114.99 KB 503x463 EU collapse.png)
>Wonder why and where exactly
They've "nested" most of Europe, by setting up cocaine factories and networks for selling in all major cities. Their psychic division have been attacking the large circle, the EU stars on the flag, to get full access to the mainland. That's what they did, and it was such a relief to see it. That EU occult circle has been disturbing me mentally for a very long time, it's the main reason I've wanted it destroyed. It being overrun by a regular dictatorial egregore is so relaxing it's like a dream. That was my spontaneous thought. "It's like a dream".

The circle was reduced by my own attacks on their undergound bases, but I had nothing to overrun them with on the surface. Someone had to do that part.