Sunflower 11/22/2023 (Wed) 22:04 Id: 2620dd No.5043 del
>But then again I was shocked when I learned some people don't have an internal monologue or it takes them "effort" to think because it is "hard". Took me time to realize how they even function and the way I have to talk to them.
Some people also can't visualize things in detail, it's called aphantasia. My problem is the reverse, my imagination is too vivid, active and detailed, and my inner monologue is to active and apparent lol.

Not having an inner monologue would be extremely useful for Dharana (focusing on a single thought) & Dhyana (emptying your mind of all thoughts).

>Oh and if you think there is a "best and most efficient exercise that turns us into a god after 3 days and it is written in a pdf that only the cool kids have on the web"
Not a god, but atleast a master of Dharana, and not 3 days, but at least 6 months. I don't think that's a stretch. But it probably isn't in a pdf, it's probably in some far off place in the mind of some guru/monk i'll never meet.

>But then again BO just shared an awakening module just now so let's see what will happen.
Who is BO?

You mean the hatha yoga pdf the other guy linked to me?

>You just convinced yourself it's impossible and your subconscious will find ways to make yourself reinforce that belief instead finding a way to make that not just possible but the natural state of ways.
No, placebos don't work on me. I was progressing in the exercise at an endless and consistent rate, and then I hit a wall, and THEN it felt impossible. The thoughts didn't come until after the experience. I didn't create the experience through the thought, the thought created the experience.

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