Sunflower 11/23/2023 (Thu) 19:50 Id: 208fd9 No.5063 del
>Blind belief
Who talked about BLIND BELIEF. DO YOU KNOW HOW ANNOYING IS WHEN YOU SEE SOMETHING AND PEOPLE SAY bruh it's not there lol THEN YOU BELIEVE THEM and it turns out you were right then they pretend that IT WAS ALWAYS THERE. Did you hear the saying "You make your own reality"

>and I'm not joining either
You just talked about how
>it's probably in some far off place in the mind of some guru/monk i'll never meet.
So even if there was a cult that taught working spirituality you would not join them?
You realize that you got gaslighted that every cult is bad and for sheeps by the "mainstream atheism" right. I never said to join to one but if you are unable to understand what they are saying and disregard them as hurr durr they sheple not like me the euphoric individual then you will just increase your ignorance and chase an invisible cloud that you are not willing to even acknowledge.

>there has to be an observable change in which I can observe that it's working over time
It's like wanting the computer to work without having the will to try to turn it on or plug it into the electric outlets or if it doesn't work figure out why. Not working = I don't want it to work. This is why IT was only for nerds back then. Nowadays technology is so dumbed down even monkeys can use it. The last known monkey that was able to use magic was Sun Wukong.

>I expect training in the occult/magic to work that way.
>There's no reason to try and force a square peg into a round hole.
Did... you... ever.. hear... ABOUT THE HERMETIC SEAL OF LIGHT? THE QUINTESSENCE? Pic related? Do you have any idea how deep the symbolism goes? Yeah it's literally on the OP's pic at Exercise 1 post 3. The square is literally in a round hole or "sphere" at 3D. That pic is so well worded. Always a good reread. Shame it is either obvious for initiates or something ungraspable for those who don't walk the path.

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